Massage Therapy and Bodywork sessions are influenced with Traditional Thai Massage and Sacred Lomilomi bodywork. The focus of each session will be to find your comfort level, release muscle tension, and bring the body in balance with the mind. A simple and effective approach to healing.
Lomilomi sessions
(In studio only)This ancient form of healing originated in Hawai’i. Lomi lomi is a deep healing practice passed down through generations with the most respect. It is a true way of life. There are many dimensions and aspects to name. If you are interested I will talk with you and we can go from there.
Seasonal Body Wrap with Lymphatic Massage
Your skin is the largest organ of the body! Lets take care of it…
Your two and a half-three hour session will begin with a light dry brushing all over the body. This stimulates the lymphatic system its primary function is to remove toxins from your body, this will also exfoliate a thin layer of dry skin to prepare for the mineral rich salt scrub. The salt scrub will not only continue the exfoliation process, it will allow the skin to absorb the minerals it needs for overall vitality. Up next is the warm detoxifying mud wrap. This is the most relaxing part of the body treatment, the mud will be brushed on evenly over the body, including the abdomen. As the mud dries it pulls the toxic build up. A nice rinse off and your treatment will end with a 60 minute lymphatic massage. More time can be added upon request. Price will change at that time.
4 Hand Massage
While receiving the benefits of massage and bodywork, two Massage Therapists will guide you to a unique experience that will leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and complete.
This session is beneficial for type A personalities, people unable to achieve a natural state of relaxation with ease, sleep disorders, and anxiety disorders. The over stimulation of the nervous system ( the left and right brain are integrated ) encourages complete surrender enabling the mind to let go and surrender. Simultaneous long strokes move stagnant energy and promote circulation.
For your first session plan on arriving at least 5 minutes early to discuss body discomfort or chronic conditions if any. The therapist will go over the session with you and possibly ask further questions to help determine your health and wellness goals for the session.

Physical condition, medical history, any physical areas of pain, medications, allergies, and stress levels will be discussed to determine the structure of the massage.
Before your massage, the therapist will ask you to remove clothing to your comfort level. The therapist will leave the room for a couple of minutes while you undress, lie on the table, underneath the sheets as instructed and relax.
Music will be played to help relax the mind, let the therapist know if the music is a distraction or not to your taste. You may communicate as necessary throughout the massage, that is your choice. The therapist will ask if the pressure is comfortable for you.
Oil or lotion will be used during the massage, if you are allergic, let the therapist know beforehand.
When the massage is complete, the therapist will let you know and will give you time to slowly get up and get dressed in privacy. The therapist will then offer you water. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. As with any service, tips are appreciated but not required.
Thank you for your time.
Schedule Your Massage/ Bodywork Therapy Session Today
Or for more information, please call or text (801) 663-9908