As much as you fought when you were younger, your older sister was probably dealing with a few things behind the scenes that she never told you about. You might feel like you were bossed around or that life was unfair when you were younger, but try looking at things through your older sister’s eyes. Here are six things you probably didn’t realize at the time, that might help to explain your older sister’s behavior.
1. Your Parents Were More Strict With Her
The first child is often treated like they might break, because parents are new to, well, being parents. Your mom and dad were learning along the way, afraid that they might make a mistake. They set strict rules as your sister was growing up, to ensure that things went somewhat smoothly in this new world of parenting. When you came along, they had things a little more figured out, so they were more flexible with rules when it came to you.
2. She Tried to Be a Good Role Model
Your older sister was most likely not as spontaneous as some of her friends were. She was more careful, more calculated – in part, because of you. She knew you looked up to her and that her decisions would have an impact on you. She had to act like an adult at a young age, to keep your parents – and you – from being disappointed in her.
3. She Knew You’d Make Mistakes
You were just a few years behind your older sister, so at each age, she knew what you were going through, because it’s what she went through. She could’ve spared you some trouble and some learning experiences by putting it all out there for you, but instead, she let you make your own mistakes. She gave you advice, but left you free to make your own decisions. But she was always there when something went wrong to be your shoulder to cry on or the comfort you needed.
4. She Helped Your Parents Understand You
When you got to that age where you and your parents started to disagree more often, your sister was there to smooth things over. She acted as a buffer between you, and she was there to explain both sides and be the voice of reason.
5. She Was Constantly Reminded of Her Role
The second that you were born, your sister had a new role – big sister – and she was constantly reminded of it. Your parents and other family members told her it was her job to set a good example for you, so even at a young age herself, she knew she had some responsibility when it came to you. That’s why she had to be more strict with you at time, because she knew your parents were expecting her to guide you.
6. Sometimes She Got Confused
Your older sister often went back and forth with what her role should be when it came to you. She wanted to be your friend, but sometimes her role was a teacher, a parent or even a bodyguard. Half of the time, she really didn’t know what she was doing, but she tried her best to be there for you and help you figure out this crazy thing we call life.
h/t: brightside
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