Smart homes are changing the planet. It is redefining home automation. Here are a few reasons on why smart homes are so famous.
More Time
57% of smart homeowners save about 30 minutes per day. Add that up over a year and you’ll save more than 180 hours. That is a little over a week. Automating your home helps to save all those odds and ends of time you lose doing daily chores. Don’t get caught up in unnecessary time wasting. Get your own smart home setup to save you the time you need.
More Cash
Smart home devices are designed to be efficient. Some devices like smart thermostats are specifically designed to save money. It can cut 20% per year off your home cooling and warming costs. 45% of Americans save on average about $98,30 per month. That will add up to $1’179,60 per year. Smart homes bring great convenience. But it can also save you some of your hard earned cash.
Better Health
Smart kitchens have many benefits. One of those benefits is healthier cooking methods. Smart ovens are equipped with state of the art cooking tools and techniques. It can lower your oil intake and ensure better cholesterol levels.
Smart Security
Safety is one of man’s greatest concerns. Smart homes help to integrate your security measures with each other. It is convenient and smart. 62% of Americans regard security as the top benefit of owning a smart home.
Don’t Miss It
Now you know what all the hype is about. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the benefits of smart homes. Read this infographic below to see what benefits come with owning a smart home.